Gentle tips for helping yourself feel upbeat
In the most recent These Are The Heydays newsletter (if you’re not already a subscriber, do join the gang for a weekly helping of inspiration and ideas including book/film/TV/podcast recommendations, recipes and eco-living tips. Just pop your details in the newsletter subscriber box at the very bottom of this post) I asked the lovely Heydayer readers what strategies they used to help themselves feel positive and cheerful, something many of us, me very definitely included, struggle with at times, especially right now with everything that’s going on in the world.
These are a selection of their replies and suggestions. They cover the themes that cropped up in many of the responses I got. I hope you find them as helpful as they do.
It’s always good to talk
Heydayer Jane
When I’m struggling with feeling down I find talking to a friend is always a great way to change my mood. I’m never uncomfortable about talking about how I feel with my closest mates, because I know they’ll listen and understand. A chat and a laugh, either in person - if there’s a glass of wine involved even better! - or on the phone is the best mood-lifter I know.
Heydayer Paul
Start your day right with some mindful gentle exercise.
It’s very easy to be swept away by alarms, rushing around catching up with work or the news both social and worldly. I like to give myself some time in the morning to focus on a daily practice of gentle physical exercise and mindfulness (before you have breakfast). Combining both the exercise and the mindfulness is more effective for me as it helps clarity and focus.
It really does help the thought process as well as the obvious physical benefits of regular exercise. Just use very simple exercises combined with your breath. Try observing your body and breath without expectations and give yourself a little break whenever you want to be still and breath. In the stillness enjoy the sensations and the moment.
Grandparent cuddles are the best
Heydayer Julia
My strategies for keeping positive and being less stressed are, in no particular order: being outside - walking or playing tennis, watching escapist TV and knitting (at same time), cuddling my grandchild, and singing.
Heydayer Chris
I do quite a bit of volunteering and I always find that however low my mood is when I begin a session, by the end I feel much more positive and cheerful. It’s so important to help others whenever and however we can, but it also helps us when we do.
Take time to reflect and remember
Heydayer Jo
Three Good Things (TGT) or What-Went-Well is an end-of-the-day journaling exercise which prompts you to view things more often in a positive light and helps increase optimism, and boost happiness. The whole process only takes 5 minutes.
Step 1: Look back on your day
As you prepare to go to bed, sit down and close your eyes for a moment or two, and look back on your day. Go over in your mind the things that happened and the things you did.
Step 2: Think of good things
Think of three things that went well. Three highlights from your day, however small. This forces your mind to focus on the good things.
Step 3: Write them down
Once you find the three things that made you smile and feel happy, write them down, either on paper or digitally.
Step 4: Reflect on them
Spend 15-20secs thinking about each event. Why it mattered to you and how it made you feel.
Do this as often as you feel you need to. It really does make a difference!
Heydayer Diane (no, not me)
My strategy is never to watch or listen to the news. I need to influence the world with my positivity and by continuing to offer the social activities I do. I run Sewcial gatherings where we reinforce our creative community by sewing together, giving each other inspiration and support with our life matters and celebrating together - anniversaries and birthdays, our children's graduations etc.
Strolling along the sea at sunrise is unfailingly soothing
Heydayer Mark
I’m lucky enough to live near the sea. I find that a walk along the beach, at any time of day but especially early in the morning or at sunset, will always reset my mood. It doesn’t matter whether the waves are calm or the weather is wild, it’s simply impossible to be stressed or miserable when you’re by the sea.
Heydayer Claire
One of the things I do when I’m feeling glum is I look back at all the pictures of the wonderful holidays I’ve been lucky enough to have over the years - with my lovely friends and even lovelier family. The memories never fail to lift my spirits. I’ve got two trips planned for this year, so I’m very much hoping to be able to add those to the memory banks!
Knitting is a great way to stay positive
Heydayer Pamela
To stay positive I knit. I make lots of baby clothes and send them to a charity in Oldham. I buy all my yarn in charity shops to keep my costs down, AND have the pleasure of trawling the charity shops for other things, mainly books. I am trying not to have the news on more than once a day. Instead I watch house/gardening shows, which I love. As soon as the weather warms up I will be back in my garden again. I've sewn seeds for tomatoes and peppers already and will also be growing runner beans.
Heydayer Suzanne
My favourite keep-positive strategy is good old lists. They’re the only way I can keep my jumbled mind clear. If I didn’t write lists I think I would go stark raving mad!
On the particularly “feeling sorry for myself” days - why am I this, why am I not like that, why didn’t I do that, why didn’t I hang on to that one bedroom garden flat in Twickenham???, I need to write a list of all the good things I have in my life. My husband, my beautiful, clever, talented children, my part time job which is nothing to set the world on fire but which I am good at and enjoy, the way I see the good in people even when others think I’m foolish for doing so.
If it helps write all the bad stuff on one side and then counter it by a positive comment on the other. Works for me. Hope it will for you.
I hope so too! I already use many of these strategies when I want to feel more upbeat, but I’ve definitely learnt some new ones. How about you? Do, please, add any suggestions you have in the comments.
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