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- Diane

My Museum of Broken Relationships donation

My Museum of Broken Relationships donation

Visiting and then writing about the surprising and movingly memorable Museum of Broken Relationships during the last stop - in Zagreb - on our road trip through gloriously beautiful Coratia (you can read about the five fabulous spots we visited HERE), set me thinking about what I might contribute if I was to make a donation to the museum’s collection.

Here’s what I came up with:

“Our relationship broke twice.

We met when I was a teenager and married when I was just 21. For a long time our marriage was good and happy. We shared the same values and outlooks and he made me laugh more than anyone I knew. We had two daughters and full and busy lives. But over time we stopped talking about the things that mattered and drifted away from each other. There was no crisis moment, just a gradual realisation that we weren’t happy together. We separated as amicably as we possibly could, but quite deliberately never got divorced (we agreed that if it ever became important to either of us, we would). Through the whole painful process, we managed to keep to our promise to each other to remain friends and committed parents to our, by now grown up, girls. Afterwards we still spoke or texted most days. He never stopped being the person I trusted and turned to most.

He used to say that he had every intention of living until he was 120. But three months after his 60th birthday, and six months before our eldest daughter was due to be married, he suddenly collapsed and died of a massive heart attack.

We had a particular way of communicating when we thought somebody was behaving like an arsehole which always made both of us laugh. I saw this t-shirt and couldn’t resist buying it for him. He died before he could wear it. “

Would you have an item and a story that you would donate to the museum? You can add yours to the on-line collection HERE. Do you think I should send them mine?

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